
Magicians pull rabbits out of hats, writers and artists make up entire worlds and I … well, I’ve been known to make something out of nothing.

Once in a while, things click and you write about bits and pieces of your life that sort of make sense.

Enjoy the hodge hodge, folks!

Sojourn to Spokane
RA Cook RA Cook

Sojourn to Spokane

I’m not sure why I was so compelled to drive all the way to Spokane from Orcas Island (6+ hours) to visit my grandparents' resting place but I have wanted to do the trip for several years. Parts of it were grueling with long stretches of endless highway.

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A Conversation
RA Cook RA Cook

A Conversation

Yesterday while mulching my flower garden with straw, I startled a praying mantis. He/She was smallish in size and rather leery of me. We had a conversation, or should I say I conversed with it. As he/she scrambled into a flower bush, I apologized for scaring him/her. "I'm going to be messing with this area while I weed and tuck in straw. I don't want to hurt you so show yourself while I'm doing this," I said and went on my way to gather the more straw not sure if my message registered.

As I moved around the flower bush laying down straw, I noticed the praying mantis peek his/her head up, still leery. "Oh there you are," I said. "I see you. I'll be careful, I promise."

Ever alert, the insect put his/her front legs together in prayer fashion and sitting at the top edge of the flower bush watched me as I finished mulching the area. Before I moved on, I smiled at him/her. "I won't bother you anymore," I said and continued down the flower bed.

I have had praying mantis in my flower beds for 4-5 years. This one was smaller than the others. I also have a pet little green frog that shows up from time-to-time and lounges behind a small wooden box in my outside cabinet. He's gone now—at least for a while.

Nature is a wonder.

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Bumbling along…
RA Cook RA Cook

Bumbling along…

Now that I’m in my 70th decade, I wish I could say I’ve reached a pinnacle of success, but the reality is I’m not even close.

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The Wonder of Trees
RA Cook RA Cook

The Wonder of Trees

I was thinking about trees today. About how trees have been so instrumental in my well being, about why they “chose” me to tell their story…

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Where the heck is Lumaria?
RA Cook RA Cook

Where the heck is Lumaria?

Most of Calvin Splinter’s map of the Kingdom of Lumaria was illustrated on an extended visit to Norway when my grandsons were younger.

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Mom’s Cabin
RA Cook RA Cook

Mom’s Cabin

Here I was again on Orcas Island for the fourth time. I had dragged my ass back from Traverse City, MI, my car stuffed with art, clothes, and Tullie, my cat, feeling completely demoralized.

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How to make something out of nothing
RA Cook RA Cook

How to make something out of nothing

Magicians pull rabbits out of hats, animated characters snap their fingers and disappear, writers make up whole universes and I … well, I’ve been known to make something out of nothing. They call it “manifesting.”

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Gardening Saved My Life
RA Cook RA Cook

Gardening Saved My Life

The first all-consuming garden I attempted was in Santa Fe, NM 1998. Swallowed in depression and unable to maintain an income stream of any consequence, I decided to garden.

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