Calvin arrives in Naknek!

Yes, that’s right! Calvin is in Naknek, Alaska. For those of you that don’t know, Naknek is an Inuit fishing village near Bristol Bay, Alaska. By happenstance, I noticed a high school chum’s Facebook post where she, her husband and grandchildren fish during the summer months in Naknek. One of her posts centered around the South Naknek Library where her grandchildren read and colored. Though small, the library contains a bookcase laden with children’s books. Also residing in the library are three computer stations and tables for reading and studying.

I immediately wanted to donate a copy of Calvin Splinter & His Splendid Splinter Ideas to the library after reading the post. So I texted the librarian, Shirley Zimin, and asked if she would interested in a copy. '“Yes!” she said and so Calvin winged his way to Naknek the next day. Ten days later, Shirley posted several pictures of the book on Facebook thanking me for the donation. “How nice to get something in the mail,” she said.

OH! HERE’S A FUN FACT: Did you know Naknek is the only school in the country that has a flying school bus? Every day school children take a plane across the river to go to class. How ‘bout that?


The Wonder of Trees


Marimba: the heartbeat of a forest